Just Info Hiding Subscribe to Post (Atom) at the bottom of your blog
This article explains how to remove the "Subscribe to: Posts (Atom)" item that appears at the bottom of Blogger blogs with Layout or Designer templates.
Where does "Subscribe to: Posts (Atom)" come from?
This is useful for readers who understand what it means: it lets them subscribe to an RSS feed of your blog - and even if you don't personally use it, RSS is important for bloggers. However:
- Some readers won't understand what it means,
- If you're showing a "blog-site" (ie a website created with blogging tools, rather than a classic blog), the command doesn't make sense, even though the idea of RSS subscription does
- It looks ugly, and
- RSS-savvy readers who aren't Blogger users generally look for the little orange square with radar bars, rather than an obscure, Blogger-specific, description of the link.

So you may want to remove it from your blog and replace it with a nicer-looking RSS-subscription button.
How to remove "Subscribe to: Posts (Atom)" from your blog:
1 Edit your template 2 Find this code in your template:
<!-- feed links-->
<b:include name='feedLinks'/>
3 Replace it with this code:
<!-- feed links
<b:include name='feedLinks'/> -->
What you have done is to comment-out the code: the "-->" is the "end of comment" command in HTML.
This approach is better than "hiding" the link by making it the same colour as your background (which could be seen as trying to hide things from the search-engines). It won't have any negative effect on your blog's performance, and you can undo it very easily by moving the end-of-comment text back again.
Related Articles
Why RSS is important for your blog.
Getting started with Feedburner
The Follow-by-email gadget, and easy way to give your blog email-subscribers
Sumber http://blogger-hints-and-tips.blogspot.com
Getting started with Feedburner
The Follow-by-email gadget, and easy way to give your blog email-subscribers
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