News!! Removing The Attribtion Gadget Yesteryear Commenting Out The Code
Thursday, 22 November 2018
ZZ - needs 2015 2nd review,
ZZ - needs 2017 theme review
This article documents removing the attribution gadget from Blogger past times commenting out the code for the widget. This method no longer plant (last tested xx Sept 2010 - the gadget is automatically re-added to the bottom of the sidebar), merely the technique may live useful inward future.
See the principal article close removing the attribution gadget from blogs alongside Designer templates for background information close the topic, as well as for the most recent information close techniques that work.
See the principal article close removing the attribution gadget from blogs alongside Designer templates for background information close the topic, as well as for the most recent information close techniques that work.
I bring non checked the Blogger Terms as well as Conditions to discovery out whether yous are allowed to take the Attribution. Even if they don't get upward it today, a requirement to transcend on the contention could live added tomorrow. This advice does non hateful that I, or Google/Blogger, are proverb that yous should/can/may/must take the attribution statement.
How to take the Attribution Gadget past times commenting out the code:
Edit your template inward the normal way, and tick the Expand Widgets box, thus yous tin run into all the code
Find this department inward the template:
<!-- exterior of the include inward fellowship to lock Attribution widget -->Note that Attribution2 may live a dissimilar value (eg Attribution1 or Attribution3) depending on how many times you've tried to take it inward the past times - searching for "type='Attribution'" is likely the easiest agency to discovery the block of code.
<b:section class='foot' id='footer-3' showaddelement='no'>
<b:widget id='Attribution2' locked='true' title='' type='Attribution'>
<b:includable id='main'>
<div class='widget-content' style='text-align: center;'>
<b:if cond='data:attribution != ""'>
<b:include name='quickedit'/>
Comment-out the code that displays the Attribution gadget, past times putting it within these characters <!-- --> thus it ends upward looking similar this
<!-- exterior of the include inward fellowship to lock Attribution widget -->Preview the template change, to depository fiscal establishment stand upward for that everything is ok. If not, laid upward the problem
<b:section class='foot' id='footer-3' showaddelement='no'> <b:widget id='Attribution2' locked='true' title='' type='Attribution'>
<b:includable id='main'>
<div class='widget-content' style='text-align: center;'>
<b:if cond='data:attribution != ""'>
<b:include name='quickedit'/>
Click Save Template
As the template tries to save, yous may become a alert message:
Warning: Your novel template does non include the next widgets:
Would yous similar to transcend on these widgets on your spider web log or delete them?
- Attribution3
Deleting widgets cannot live undone.
(Yours mightiness rank Attribution1, or ii or iv ... depending on how many other approaches you've tried to take it )
If yous become the message, as well as then click Keep Widgets: This volition exit an attribution Gadget inward the laid of Widgets that your spider web log has information about, fifty-fifty though it's non genuinely showing it on the screen. (Ref: Components inward your Blog)
If yous want, add an an alternative attribution gadget.
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