Just Info How to write a blog post - by just talking to your computer
This quick-tip introduces a new speech-recognition tool, which is free, and doesn't need any special software apart from Google Chrome.
Ever wanted to write (at least the first draft) of a blog-post by just talking to your computer - but didn't have fancy speech recognition software to do it with?
There's now a super-simple tool available which lets you do this:
Sumber http://blogger-hints-and-tips.blogspot.com
Ever wanted to write (at least the first draft) of a blog-post by just talking to your computer - but didn't have fancy speech recognition software to do it with?
There's now a super-simple tool available which lets you do this:
- Start Google Chrome (if you aren't already using it)
- Go to https://dictation.io/speech and click Start or the microphone icon.
- [The first time you use it: ] Give permission (Allow) for it to use your microphone
- Start talking
- Just say what you want in your post. Don't worry about mistakes, you can edit them out later. If you mess up a bit, just "new line" and start again - delete the wrong paragraph.
- When you've finished, copy the output and paste it into the Blogger post-editor. Make it pretty, and edit out any mistakes.
Job done! Post written, keystrokes saved.
More about this tool
Read all about it here: https://www.labnol.org/internet/speech-recognition/30967/Sumber http://blogger-hints-and-tips.blogspot.com
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